Generation Z, made up of young people born after 1995, presents unique characteristics due to its technological environment. To properly educate them, it is necessary to promote freedom, exploration of tastes, strengthening of self-esteem, expansion of social circles and the development of common sense.
Generation Z is characterized by having grown up in an environment surrounded by technology, being entrepreneurs and self-taught. Accustomed to the immediacy of obtaining what they want with a single click, it is essential that they develop patience and social skills.
To effectively educate the youth of generation Z, the following tips are proposed:
Freedom: It is important to allow children to develop independently and make decisions for themselves. Parents should be guides that provide them with the necessary tools to face life's challenges.
Exploration of tastes and preferences: Technology gives them access to a wide range of topics and activities, allowing them to explore their interests and get to know themselves. It is recommended to offer them opportunities to experiment and discover their passions, such as through after-school workshops in various areas.
Strengthening self-esteem: Avoid comparisons with siblings, friends, or peers, and acknowledge both the efforts and achievements of the young person. It is important to encourage and value the individual characteristics that make you unique, helping you to love and develop those qualities.
Expansion of social circles: Due to the immersion in technology and social networks, generation Z may face difficulties in establishing interpersonal relationships. It is suggested to encourage interaction with other young people through sports activities or other workshops, which will allow them to expand their social circle.
Development of common sense: In an environment saturated with information, it is essential to educate young people to make correct decisions based on common sense. They must learn to discern between false and valuable information, forming informed and critical thinking.
To accompany this new generation in their growth towards adulthood, it is essential to understand their characteristics and provide them with the necessary support for their comprehensive development.