In the age of social networks, where understanding is lost in disagreements, it is essential to learn to listen. In addition, resilience, ethics and knowledge are essential tools to educate the new generations.
In the World Education Summit in Qatar, experts have highlighted ten keys to effectively educate the new generations. First of all, the importance of wonder and curiosity as motors of learning is emphasized.
In a context where children are constantly stressed by homework and extracurricular activities, it is essential that they can enjoy the learning process and not just worry about the results.
Experts highlight the importance of wonder, "learnability" and media literacy in current education
The "learnability" emerges as a key word in current education. Being smart or talented is no longer enough, it is essential to develop the ability to learn quickly and effectively. In a constantly changing world of work, where retraining will be required several times throughout life, those who maintain the desire to learn and are persistent will have a greater chance of success.
Ethics and respect for diversity are presented as essential values in the education of new generations. With the increase in migration and the growing cultural diversity, respect for others needs to be fostered from an early age. Service-learning, which combines education with participation in social projects, has become popular as a way to promote respect and civic awareness.
Although technology plays an important role in education today, it is crucial that students learn to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information. Media literacy is proposed as a fundamental skill for students to be able to identify false news and stereotypes in the media.
Concrete knowledge also acquires relevance. While there has been an emphasis on labor market oriented education, experts suggest that subjects such as History, Geography and Literature will re-emerge in the future. Knowing the context and understanding the past will allow children to be better prepared and understand what is happening around them.
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The education of the new generations must also address the importance of limits. It is not just about establishing rules, but about educating in respect for limits and understanding their therapeutic value. Boundaries provide security in the midst of uncertainty and teach young people to live within a framework that provides guidance.
Resilience, the ability to positively adapt to adversity, is a necessary quality in today's world. Children must learn to deal with failure and pick themselves up after falling. Today's society is obsessed with success, and parents often fear that their children will make mistakes. However, learning from failure and building resilience is essential for personal growth and the achievement of long-term goals.
In conclusion, educating the new generations requires cultivating wonder, fostering "learnability" and promoting media literacy. In addition, ethical values must be instilled, concrete knowledge taught, clear limits established, and resilience developed. Only through a comprehensive education that trains committed, critical and adaptable people will it be possible to face the constantly changing world.