Emotional education benefits children inside and outside the classroom

Emotional education teaches the skills children need to succeed and thrive in life, researchers from the University of British Columbia have published.

Social-emotional education programs in schools reduce drug use and diagnoses of mental health disorders, according to a recent study.

Emotional education programs teach the skills children need to succeed and prosper in life, researchers from the University of British Columbia have published.

The study ensures that educational centers that include subjects related to social and emotional learning for young people in their programs improve their mental health, social skills and academic results, in addition to continuing to benefit them years later.

For the study, the results of different programs related to emotional intelligence were analyzed in which they involved more than 97,000 students of primary and secondary education in the United States, Europe and the United Kingdom (children between the ages of 5 and 13). , whose effects were evaluated half a year after finishing the programs.

The researchers concluded that social-emotional learning continued to provide long-term positive effects for these young people, both during their student days and in their lives outside of the educational setting.


“These programs have a immediate positive effect, but this study has sought to assess whether the skills obtained by students are maintained over time, making social-emotional learning programs a valuable investment that improves the educational resources of schools, especially during the middle school years and early adolescence, which is when young people move further away from their families and begin their relationships in groups”, he commented.

“Children spend half the day in the classroom each year, so what happens in schools is very influential for child development.”

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