The work of a working mother is equivalent to more than two working days. These are the conclusions of a recent study prepared by the health and nutrition company Welch's.
Mother's work is the most complete... And the worst paid. But if we could quantify the number of hours invested at home and away from home... you would not leave your amazement! Do you know how many hours a week a mother works? 98 hours! More than double the average working day. According to a recent study, being a mother is equivalent to having two and a half jobs.
Gone is that saying 'being a mother is having a full-time job'. No, no... being a mother is having two full-time jobs! These are the conclusions of a recent study prepared by the health and nutrition company Welch's (United States).
After analyzing the situation of more than 2,000 North American mothers, with children between 5 and 12 years of age, and working inside and outside the home, they discovered that a mother actually works an average of 98-100 hours a week. The result is that mothers work more than two full days a week. Only one of them is not financially remunerated.
In addition, the mothers surveyed agreed to lament the little time they had for themselves, just over an hour a day. More than one 40% felt 'suffocated' by the number of endless tasks they had at home. They would finish their job outside the home and start the next job at home. Without truce.
The study also confirmed the great organizational skills of the mothers, since most of them were in charge, despite also working outside the home, of preparing and controlling the children's weekly menu, cleaning, keeping household accounts and everything regarding the school education of children.
►A working day of 130 hours per week
According to this study, a mother's working day begins at approximately 6:23 am and ends at 8:30 pm... But what mother ends work at 8:30 pm? As soon as the children fall asleep, it is precisely when the mothers begin to pick up, clean, prepare the school clothes for the next day... even iron! Let's see if the accounts work out for you... The working day would begin at 6 am and end at 00.30 am. In other words, about 18 and a half hours a day... And that without resting on the weekend, when you dedicate full time to the home and the children. With this hypothesis, we would add a whopping almost 130 hours a week. More than three working days. Now yes. It is closer to reality.
Endless work of a mom who works inside and outside the home. But paid, yes, even if it is not with money. Well paid, yes, even if it doesn't add more zeros to the checking account. Rewarded, yes. A few hugs and kisses from the children are enough, and the debts are settled. Or not?
Font: Children's Guide