Lorena Rosas Tovar gives the conference "I know my son"

It will take place on Friday the 10th at the Millaray College facilities. Being realistic, accepting them with their virtues and their defects, and deepening our knowledge of our children must be fundamental steps to get to know them.

Who is the boy who lives with me? How well do I know him? How to approach him from what he has to live in this time?

The psychologist Lorena Rosas Tovar will give the conference "I know my son", held at the facilities of the Primary level of the Millaray Montessori School. The event will begin at 5:00 p.m., and at the end, the qualifications of the second block will be delivered.

In this conference, the specialist will ask questions such as do you really know your children? Do you know how they are? Are they as we want them to be? Or are they like we insist on seeing them?

There are some parents who believe that their children are the best! And this is how they transmit it to their children from a very young age. They are parents who organize their children's lives based on this idealized perception. Parents who see their children as the most handsome, the most intelligent, the most educated, and who are also critical of those who do not share that opinion. They are normal parents, with normal lives, but determined to believe that their children are exceptional.

This way of acting causes children, in the long run, to behave arrogantly and ignore their limits, or to fill themselves with frustration at not meeting those expectations.

On the other hand, there are also parents who are unable to see anything good in their children. They are so demanding that they are never satisfied with what their children do, and they are insatiable with everything they do.

These parents cause their children to lose motivation because, whatever they do, they know that it will never be enough.

Like these, there are many issues that concern parents today. In the conference, the invited psychologist, Lorena Rosas Tovar, presents us with an open debate so that we know how to listen to today's children and, from there, point out some tools that will help us on the path of acceptance and discovery of these new people. that are being forged

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