Let's educate in the value of caring for things

As fathers and mothers, we want our boys and girls to have everything they need for their growth, but what will be the appropriate strategy to teach about caring for things?

As fathers and mothers, we want our boys and girls to have everything they need for their growth, we seek to please their wishes as much as possible, in some cases a certain demand is already manifested, when they want and where they want, and as a consequence they do not usually value things, they are not given a conscious use

They often damage their school supplies, lose things, or don't care to take care of their personal belongings. There are many children who do not seem to value what they have, it is common for families to worry about this and try to teach children to learn to value things.

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We worry that our boys and girls do not value anything, but how is the approach to this issue by adults? It seems that they do not understand that things cost money and effort and surely because the speech, for the most part, does not agree with the acts, we complain about their lack of care, but in the end we seek to make up for it. As much as we try or insist that they have to take care of their things, they seem to not take it into account.

Currently, the culture is one of consumption rather than caring for and extending the life of things that are useful to us.

Our boys and girls do not value things, because we do not teach them to do it, we accustom them to having everything they want or need, we do not let them do it, we do not let them be excited and yearn to achieve certain things. If we accustom them to getting things without effort on their part and hardly wanting it, we get as a consequence that they do not value things.

Educate them to learn to value things

Educating a boy or girl implies helping them to mature and become an adult. Maturing implies developing autonomy, responsibility and becoming aware of the things that surround one.

Likewise, it precisely implies valuing, knowing how to wait and striving to achieve things, understanding that sometimes we cannot have what we want when we want. It is very important for their healthy development and well-being to educate them so that they learn to value things.

How do we teach them to value things?

It may seem complicated, but to teach children to value things, it is a matter of knowing how to give them things and help them get them on their merits. We are going to see some tips for teaching children to value things.

  • Don't give them everything they want and when they want. Nor is it about not giving them anything, but knowing how to find the balance between what they need and what we give them.
  • Remind them that things cost money and we don't get them out of thin air. It is not that they become overwhelmed or feel pressured, but rather that they become aware of it.
  • Teach them to save, in this way they will understand that getting a certain amount of money can take time and that things cost money.
  • When they lose or damage their material too often. Instead of replacing it at the moment, what we will do is give them the opportunity to achieve it with their efforts. We can offer them certain things as a reward for their behavior, or good deeds.

Definitely each family will be able to find ways to work on the issue at home, however it is important to keep in mind that this exercise is also part of a change in consumption habits and to optimize the resources we have, in this way the culture of consumption intelligent already becomes part of our life.

Source: Educate and Learn. Original article

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