Millaray School presents the conference "Emotional Shielding"

Impulse control, temperament, character and many other factors will be developed in the new theme of the School for parents "EMOTIONAL SHIELDING". The conference will be held this Friday, November 24 at 8:00 a.m., at the primary level facilities.

In this new meeting of the School for parents, the theme "EMOTIONAL SHIELDING" will be developed, taught by the psychologist Lorena Rosas Tovar. The appointment is on Friday, November 24, at 8 am, at the primary level facilities.

It is necessary to realize that there are elements that favor or do not favor the construction of an EMOTIONALLY ARMORED subject, with that capacity for reaffirmation and sufficient elements for adaptation and resolution of life, necessary qualities to face the challenges in adulthood. The construction of the child's personality is formed based on the management of how parents help shape the child's temperament (understanding temperament as this response force of the child, the level of action energy that I call motivation), even said temperament marks the style of interaction with the environment, therefore, temperament is the natural way of interacting with the environment, hereditary and without the influence of external factors.

To temper then, the character in a child and therefore shield it, parents should develop their maturity and promote autonomy. Maturity is the acceptance of oneself and the circumstances of life, being a parental task: to provide means to fend for oneself and learn to overcome difficulties. This is where overprotection and permissiveness reduce the healthy development of children. These formative elements are fundamental in the SHIELDING of the child and to understand this process, it is enough to understand how behaviors or behaviors that favor autonomy are regulated or stimulated.

We are waiting for you this Friday, November 24, at 8:00 a.m., at the primary level facilities.
Thank you!

For more information:
+52 (322) 225-99-70
[email protected]