This Friday, April 20, the theme "Promoting family values" will be taught as part of the activities of the School for Parents. The meeting will be at 8:00 p.m. at the Millaray College.
We invite you this Friday, April 20, 2018 to #EscuelaParaPadres. The topic to be taught will be "Promoting family values" at 8:00 p.m.
Certain virtues such as respect, generosity, responsibility and communication have lost some importance in today's society.
Within the family nucleus there are situations that require these qualities. If you are interested in this social issue, we invite you to learn how to promote values in the family.
The home is the place where ethical and moral skills are instilled, which will be the basis for leading a healthy adult life.
The fundamental values of the family are:
- Self esteem
- The communication
- responsibility and freedom
That is precisely where the importance of constantly practicing this kind of skills lies. The conference will be given by the psychologist Lorena Rosas Tovar. Do not miss!