Sleepovers from the parental perspective… yes or no and from what age

And suddenly our children are invited to sleep in another house... to a "sleepover" that is intended to extend the fun from day to night and when it happens... What do we do?

When our children begin to grow, they also begin to live with other children and their families outside the home, they go to friends' birthday parties, to other houses for family meals or afternoon activities such as going to the movies.

Suddenly our children are invited to sleep in another house... to a "slumber party" that intends to extend the fun from day to night and when it happens...

What do we do?, do we let them go?, if yes, under what conditions?, from what age is it suitable?, do we invite other children to sleep in our house?... it seems irrelevant, but we don't it is so much.

Taking care of a child, one's own or someone else's, is an immense responsibility, day or night it requires our full attention and presence, with the big difference that we know our children in everything and we don't know our guests...

It seems to me that an age in which children begin to sleep in other houses (other than that of grandparents or very close family) can happen between 5 and 7 years old... when they already sleep through the night, they have left the diaper They know how to talk about their dreams, they can ask for what they want and above all they express their desire to sleep with their cousin, friend, etc...

The decision is absolutely personal, it should not depend on any factor outside the family and, above all, it should not be influenced by pressure or grief.

It is important to understand and reflect before giving permission or not, because it is not just "sleeping" in another house, it is being in another diverse universe and for a child that can be too much.

Each house is different, what is said, eaten, used is different from one family to another, small children are very impressionable and easily influenced and they may have a great time or they may not have such a good time.

►If you decide to give permission, some tips:

  • Make sure you know the family deeply, have complete contact details: address, phone, email.
  • She asks without embarrassment how and what the logistics will be for the children to sleep (bedtime, what they are going to have for dinner, where they are going to sleep).
  • Be sure to leave your full contact details with the family of the house where your offspring will be staying.
  • Call to see how she is doing and ask to speak to her or him.
  • If it is not absolutely necessary, explain that your son or daughter does not have to bathe in someone else's house, that they can do it back home, so as not to add care responsibilities.
  • If you have any dietary restrictions or preferences, explain it to the family that will take care of you.
  • Explain if you have any allergies and if so, what to do in case you detonate.
  • Tell your son that he can call you at any time and if it is real and possible, that if necessary you can go look for him.
  • Come back on time to pick it up

Assume that in the other house they will do different things that you may or may not love and that your child will experience the same, he may love the experience and will want to repeat it or not... but that he will definitely come sharing his impressions and that it is important that you listen and pay attention to details.

Going to another house for a sleepover can be a lot of fun, just consider safety issues. The issues of child sexual abuse are not minor, no precaution is minor, the safest environment for each child is at home with their parents, but perhaps we as adults can remember that we had a good time if we ever slept away from home...

Children may be surprised, it may not... think carefully before agreeing or before flatly refusing, if there is a couple at home, make the decision by consensus, which is not a reason for a lawsuit. It is a parenting issue that all parents are going to face at some point... permits.

What do you think?... sleepover, yes or no and at what age?

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