Multiple intelligences recognize different potentials and ways of learning, which is why it is important to recognize them from the individual point of view and in looking at our sons and daughters, to find the appropriate way to enhance these abilities that make each one of us special.
The theory of multiple intelligences recognizes the different potentials of people. This theory is characterized by affirming that not all people have the same aptitudes or the same developed intelligence, so we must question ourselves in what we stand out to achieve those objectives that by nature we have more empowered.
Skills and abilities
Not all intelligence is equal, nor is any one better than another. People may have more skills and abilities in some fields than in others. A person can be very intelligent in one subject and less so in another. The important thing is that each one of us get to know ourselves better and know what intelligence we have more developed, as well as recognize the enhanced intelligence in our sons and daughters.
Theory that guides from emotional abilities more than from cognitive ones

This theory offers a great opportunity to embrace differences and to know how to choose what we are good at and what makes us happy. It is perfect to reflect on in the adolescent stage to know what they want to study.
At an early school age, the student is required to choose a field of study. It is not an easy task. There are people who are very clear about it but there are others who at the stage that have to be decided have not yet discovered what potential they have and end up choosing fields that years later will discover that it was not a good choice since they are not good at it or make them happy.
For this reason it is very important that all kinds of intelligences are worked on from childhood to experiment and get to know oneself better, thus avoiding unsatisfactory study choices in the long term.
Howard Gardner creator of the theory of interrelated intelligences
This theory was created by Howard Gardner (1983), a professor at Harvard University. For Gardner, intelligence is a network of autonomous sets of interrelated intelligences.
We all stand out in a special way in a particular area, these innate abilities allow us to be better at performing certain tasks. There are as many types of intelligence as there are types of problems to solve.

Eight types of intelligence have been identified
- Linguistic or verbal-linguistic: Ability to use advanced oral and written language. Like politicians or orators.
- Mathematical logician: Ability to cause-effect relationship, complex reasoning, abstraction and problem solving. For example a scientist, mathematician, chemist...
- Visuo-spatial: Ability to perceive the world and be able to create mental images from the visual experience. As in the field of photography, video…
- Bodily or kinesthetic: Ability to use the body to express feelings and ideas. Like people with physical abilities, strength, flexibility and speed, dance, gymnastics….
- Musical: Ability to know how to use the different musical elements and know how to identify rhythms, tones... For example, musicians, singers...
- Intrapersonal or individual: Ability to understand oneself and know how to operate effectively in life. For example psychologists, educators, philosophers...
- Interpersonal or social: Ability to interact and understand people. For example, supportive people, social educators, people from NGOs, etc.
- Naturalist: Ability for scientific thinking, to observe nature, identify patterns and characteristics of our environment. As are natural scientists, biologists...

Ideally, from school, methodologies and analysis processes are included to be able to detect children's abilities at an early age and thus be able to promote an adequate approach in the future, such as choosing a professional career according to them, In pedagogies such as Montessori, mechanisms for identifying multiple intelligences are developed, promoting them and addressing other subjects in the methodology. The ideal for the future of our children is that they can develop at work in what makes them happy, enhance their skills and stand out in what they become passionate about.
Respectful Parenting Information. Original article