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parent education

Fights and conflicts between children: What not to do and how to act?

Children fight, argue, and even hit each other... But they also reconcile, love each other, adore each other... This note will look at the issue of discussions, fights and conflicts between children, from the perspective of the first 6 years of life, with the approach of the Montessori philosophy.

parent education

False beliefs about feeding children

Parents and teachers need to be taught to select, filter, and be critical of nutrition information. The advances of the last decades have opened up endless possibilities in terms of food, but that does not mean that the most appropriate options are chosen.

parent education

How to scold our children constructively

Although scolding is not usually the best way for a child to learn, if we know how to do it constructively, scolding works. We give you the keys so that they do not end up being ineffective and damaging the self-esteem of those we love the most.


The art of talking with children about what they read

After having managed to get the children to finish reading a book, we consider the reading objective accomplished. However, the socializing act of what we read is as important as the reading itself.


Millaray School presents the conference "Emotional Shielding"

Impulse control, temperament, character and many other factors will be developed in the new theme of the School for parents "EMOTIONAL SHIELDING". The conference will be held this Friday, November 24 at 8:00 a.m., at the primary level facilities.


Conference "First aid at home"

It will be on Friday, May 12, at 5:00 p.m. José Jesús Ulloa García will teach. The conference will highlight the need for risk prevention at home when living with children.


Lorena Rosas Tovar gives the conference "I know my son"

It will take place on Friday the 10th at the Millaray College facilities. Being realistic, accepting them with their virtues and their defects, and deepening our knowledge of our children must be fundamental steps to get to know them.